Amjad Khan
IMRP Financial Analyst
Amjad Khan joined the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy in December 2008.
Amjad Khan is a Financial Analyst at the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP) at Central Connecticut State University. Amjad assists with the financial administration of IMRP grants, contracts and legislative appropriations. Additionally, Amjad also maintains the data analysis for the Children of Incarcerated Parents Project which provides positive interventions for at-risk youth whose parent(s) and/or family members have been incarcerated. Amjad is originally from Tanzania, East Africa and came to the United States for studies. He graduated from CCSU in 2005 and worked as a Student Worker at CCSU’s Grants Office which maintains revenue and expenditure records for Federal, State and Local Grants and prepares financial reports and statements for all external grant awards. After completing his Bachelors, Amjad went on to work for a Manufacturing Company in Istanbul, Turkey and returned to the United States in 2008.