Connecticut Sentencing Commission

The Connecticut Sentencing Commission is an independent state agency working to improve the criminal legal system in Connecticut through research and collaboration with other stakeholders. Comprising senior leaders in the justice system, the Commission works to coordinate and evaluate systemic responses to key issues.

Connecticut Sentencing Commission Seal


As outlined by Connecticut General Statutes § 54-300, its mission is two-pronged:

  1. Review the state’s existing criminal sentencing structure and any proposed changes to it, including existing statutes, proposed criminal justice legislation, and existing and proposed sentencing policies and practices.
  2. Make recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and appropriate criminal justice agencies.

Current Initiatives

The Commission continues to respond to requests for research and analysis on a wide range of topics:

Panelists speak at the mental health symposium in 2023.

Pretrial Justice

  • Creating a report to ascertain best practices in pretrial release and detention by assessing policies in other jurisdictions, highlighting recommendations from professional organizations, and analyzing data from the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
  • Visiting other jurisdictions, such as New Jersey and Washington D.C., to learn about pretrial justice systems that have predominantly moved away from cash bail.
  • Hosting community conversations to facilitate grassroots discussions and public input on pretrial issues.

The Intersection of Mental Health and the Criminal Legal System

  • Producing reports on several relevant issues, including: (1) Competency to Stand Trial; (2) access to mental health services upon reentry; and (3) the experience of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the criminal legal system.
  • Proposing legislation to establish a diversionary program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Hate Crimes

  • Drafting a report that outlines Connecticut’s hate crimes statutes, identifies potential issues, and recommends necessary legislative changes.

About the Commission

The Connecticut Sentencing Commission is an independent state criminal justice agency established to review, research, and make recommendations concerning Connecticut’s criminal justice system. The Commission chairperson is Judge Robin Pavia and Alex Tsarkov serves as the Executive Director. 

The Commission consists of 23 voting members (view members info), including judges, prosecutors, criminal defense counsel, the commissioners of the departments of Correction, Public Safety, and Mental Health and Addiction Services, the victim advocate, the executive director of the Court Support Services Division of the Judicial Branch, a municipal police chief, the chairperson of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the undersecretary of the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division of the Office of Policy and Management, and members of the public appointed by the Governor and the leaders of the General Assembly. 

Since its inception, the Commission has drawn upon the expertise of Connecticut’s academic institutions to meet its need for high-quality research. The Commission regularly works with students and faculty from the University of Connecticut, Yale Law School, and the Quinnipiac University School of Law. 

Through its collaborative approach and dedication to data-driven solutions, the Commission plays a crucial role in achieving efficient, equitable, and safe outcomes throughout the justice system. 

More Information

All Commission material including annual reports, publications, and meeting minutes can be accessed on our website.
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