Jacob Werblow, Ph.D.
Professor of Educational Leadership at Central Connecticut State University
Jacob Werblow, Ph.D. is a tenured professor of educational leadership at Central Connecticut State University. He has received numerous awards for his teaching and research, including serving as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Kyoto, Japan, and a Harber Fellow of Education and Entrepreneurship at Wesleyan University. Jacob has presented / published his research at over 100 academic venues and has helped raise over one-million dollars in grants to support projects teaching nonviolence to urban youth. His research has been featured in The New York Times, Rethinking Schools, as well as some of the top academic journals in the field. Jacob began his teaching career as a 6th grade-teacher in downtown Los Angeles and then San Francisco, California. Jacob received his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Oregon.
With the IMRP, Jacob has served on multiple large-scale evaluations for the state of Connecticut, including a program evaluation of the Culinary Arts programs for the CT Department of Corrections and an impact study of The New York Times and Frontline’s release of Life on Parole. Jacob is excited to currently serve as one of the project coordinators in IMRP’s ReConstituting Hope: Towards a more Just, Inclusive and Equitable society and Corrections as Rehabilitation: Learning from Norway.