Jordan Oquendo
Jordan Oquendo has a strong background in psychological science and music. He combines his knowledge in these areas as well as his experience in writing and quantitative data analysis to look past the numbers and see the big picture. Jordan is a new member to University of Connecticut’s master’s in public policy (MPP) program with an emphasis in survey research and data analysis. He is eager to make new connections, expand his knowledge in public policy, and work hand in hand with others to make impacts in the local community.
Using his knowledge in psychology, Jordan wants to understand the why behind people commit crimes, contribute to initiatives surrounding incarceration and reincarceration rates amongst minority groups. The mental well-being of first responders who take care of local communities is also top of mind for Jordan. As a Research Assistant, Jordan will be working under Dr. Vaughn Crichton at the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP).