Make it Happen May Investing in Communities to Support Successful Reentry: CIVIC ENGAGEMENT from IMRP on Vimeo.
Author: Rani, Nayab
IMRP: FILMFRIDAYS “Collision Course” by WNPR
Make It Happen: Employment/Labor Focus
A deep dive into the intersection of employment and our incarcerated and justice-impacted populations. MAKE IT HAPPEN MAY: EMPLOYMENT/LABOR FOCUS from IMRP on Vimeo.
Film Fridays: “Halfway Home: A Father’s Story”
The film “Halfway Home: A Father’s Story” is a CTCIP Original Documentary. This film takes a poignant look at one man’s journey and his relationship with his family while transitioning out of the Connecticut prison system. Followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by FOX61 and IMRP’s Stan Simpson and IMRP’s Aileen Keays. Panelists: Anthony Maldonado, […]
Make It Happen: Investing in Communities to Support Successful Reentry
The future of CT justice system: Investing in Communities to Support Successful Reentry. IMRP: Make it Happen May from IMRP on Vimeo.
Film Fridays: “John Oliver: Bail”
Film Fridays screens a clip on bail from John Oliver’s show, “Last Week Tonight”. Jurisdictions around the country have been successfully reexamining their bail statutes and practices in an effort to move towards risk-based and evidence-based systems. But what is pretrial justice success? How do we get there? What are the obstacles? Moderated by FOX61 […]
Make It Happen: The future of CT justice system
The future of CT justice system: Investing in Communities to Support Successful Reentry. Make it Happen May: THE CT REENTRY COLLABORATIVE from IMRP on Vimeo.
Film Friday: Worst of The Worst
Why do we have millions of Americans experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty in the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world? This documentary film examines the causes of homelessness and its cultural, social, and financial impact on our society. Moderated by FOX61 and IMRP’s Stan Simpson Panelists: Mary Ann Haley Steven K Samra Daryl […]
Film Fridays: “One Night in January: Counting the Cost of Homelessness”
Why do we have millions of Americans experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty in the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world? This documentary film examines the causes of homelessness and its cultural, social, and financial impact on our society. Moderated by FOX61 and IMRP’s Stan Simpson Panelists: Mary Ann Haley Steven K Samra Daryl […]